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MKTG3118 Marketing Strategy and Planning Cover.png

Marketing Strategy and Planning

1. Introduction

MKTG3118 Marketing Strategy and Planning is a 3000-level elective unit in the Marketing major. In this unit, students focus on the strategic and managerial aspects of Marketing. They will be introduced to various strategic models, theories and frameworks, and understand how to apply them. Essentially, this unit explores how Marketing strategy and its management can create superior and sustainable value for both customers and shareholders. In assessments, students will take on the roles of Marketing advisors and managers, allowing them to exercise their strategic decision-making.


Prerequisites: MKTG1001 Marketing Principles

2. Difficulty

Difficulty: High


This unit is difficult as students must have a very clear and robust understanding of a range of models, theories and frameworks relevant to Marketing strategy - including knowledge of how to apply them. They must use their critical thinking capabilities to understand how these concepts fit together to produce a cohesive and holistic Marketing strategy. The group project requires a lot of thought and a good understanding of quite a challenging brief. The mid-semester exam is also quite difficult. Students are recommended to know all readings thoroughly and have a firm understanding of the various concepts, recognising how these work as a collective within a greater Marketing strategy. 

3. Workload

The workload is higher relative to other units, but not out of the ordinary for a 3000-level unit.


Each week, there is tutorial work with readings and questions that must be answered, to be discussed during class. It is recommended that students have a thorough understanding of these readings in order to perform well in exams and projects.


The group project requires students to apply all unit learnings, as weekly content forms the basis of the final report. As each section of the assignment builds on each other, students should go through every section of the report as a group rather than assigning parts to different individuals. This requires effective collaboration and management.

4. Textbooks/Readings

Aaker David A, Moorman, Christine: Strategic Market Management - 11th Edition. John Wiley and Sons (2017).


All readings for this unit can be accessed through the Library eReserve, available on Canvas.

5. Assessment Breakdown
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  • Tutorial Participation (6%): Based on preparation and participation in tutorial activities.

  • Research Participation (2%): Either participation in a research study OR submission of a research paper review.

  • Midterm Exam (25%): Exam covers all materials from lectures, readings and tutorials during weeks 1 through 6.

  • Group Project Presentation (12%): Groups complete an assigned project in which a real-world strategic Marketing problem faced by an actual company must be addressed. Results of the group’s analysis are presented in a 15 minute presentation.

  • Group Project Report (20%): After receiving feedback on the Group Presentation, groups prepare a 10-page project report addressing the same strategic Marketing problem.

  • Final Exam (35%): Exam covers all materials from lectures, readings and tutorials throughout the entire semester.


Please note that assessments may vary across semesters. This information was sourced from the Unit of Study Outline for Semester 2 of 2020, and may be out of date. For the most up-to-date information, refer to the Unit of Study Outline for the semester and year relevant to your studies

6. Unit Highlights
  • Understanding elements of business strategy that are not only relevant to Marketing students, but to all students interested in business.

  • Learning many useful frameworks for both internal and external analysis, e.g. SWOT and Ansoff’s Growth Strategies.

  • Understanding how internal analysis, external analysis and critique of strategy work together to develop one cohesive Marketing strategy that leverages the assets and competencies of an organisation to overcome challenges and threats in the market.

  • Being able to use many of the frameworks and approaches learnt in this unit also in the capstone unit, MKTG3600 Marketing in Practice.

7. Skills Learnt
  • Strategic and critical thinking - particularly in relation to developing wider, long-term strategies for industry briefs

  • Leadership - coordination of team

  • Presentation skills

  • Teamwork and collaboration

  • Creativity

  • Organisation and planning

8. Lecturer Advice

In this course, students will learn frameworks and tools for developing effective marketing strategies for an organization. The unit is appropriate for those who wish to perform marketing functions, and those planning to serve in other parts of an organization. To get the most out of the unit, it is essential to be well prepared for each class session. Set aside sufficient time to review all readings and video recordings prior to each class session. In class, we will engage in exercises and discussion that build on the preparation materials.

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