10 things every marketing student thinks about group assignments
By Catherine Verge
Group work. An unfortunate reality for every marketing student. A group with great synergy paves the way for an easy HD. But a dysfunctional group is worse than Monday morning lectures.
Here are 10 memes and GIFs which accurately depict the perils of group work.
1. When mid-semester rolls around and your group hasn’t started the assignment:
(Image: http://www.breakbrunch.com)
2. Trying to make small talk when you have nothing in common:
(Image: http://popgoesthearts.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/happy-mean-girls-day.html)
3. There’s always one group member who doesn’t do their part of the work:
(Image: http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/234765-i-have-no-idea-what-im-doing)
4. And one person who does everything last minute:
(Image: https://twitter.com/ProblemsAtUni/status/592425675287441408)
5. When no one can agree how to complete the assignment:
(Image: https://38.media.tumblr.com/45b613f4b6cf790b43343eddf9b090a0/tumblr_inline_mlsxl0ojtk1qz4rgp.gif)
6. And you’re just left trying to juggle everything like:
(Images: http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2014-07/11/11/enhanced/webdr06/anigif_enhanced-buzz-4883-1405093977-22.gif; https://33.media.tumblr.com/9f73e3f8a958dbe03b0f76f8811a54a1/tumblr_inline_mziutbyuSO1spe7lv.gif)
7. On top of all your assignments for other classes (what were those again?):
(Image: http://starecat.com/when-you-got-like-15-essays-4-assignments-and-6-exams-to-study-for-and-you-just-chill-in-bed-contemplating-your-whole-life-kim-kardashian/)
8. When you finish the assignment after an all-nighter but you still have to present:
(Image: https://twitter.com/coledcut/status/532057287225929728/photo/1)
9. Planning to stay in contact with your group after the semester ends:
10. And at the end of it all, you really just deserve a medal:
(Image: http://creeshtar.tumblr.com/post/115217493873/found-this-and-it-reminded-me-of-a-time-i-did-just)