30+ Must Know Marketing Industry Acronyms
Samantha Roberts
This list of acronyms once explained will help you keep up when reading about the industry or networking with industry professionals.
B B2B- Business to Business
B2C- Business to Consumer
C CBBE- Customer Based Brand Equity
CMM- Chief Marketing Manager
CMO- Chief Marketing Officer
COB- Close of Business
Comms- Communications
CPC- Cost Per Click
CPV- Cost Per View
CR- Conversion Rate/ Ratio
CRM- Customer Relationship Management
CTR- Click Through Rate
CVP- Customer value Proposition
E eDM- Electronic Direct Mail (aka an email newsletter)
F FMCG- Fast Moving Consumer Goods
FOC- Front of Counter
I IDI- In depth Interview
IP- Intellectual Property
K KPI- Key Performance Indicators
L LPO- Landing Page Optimization
O OOO- Out of Office
P PoP- Point of Purchase
POS- Point of Sale
PR- Public Relations
R R&D- Research & Development
ROI- Return on Investment
RTB- Real Time Bidding
S SEM- Search Engine Marketing
SEO- Search Engine Optimisation
SFA- Sales Force Atomisation
SME- Small to Medium Enterprise
SMM- Social Media Marketing
SWOT- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats
U USP- Unique Sales Proposition
W WOMM- Word of Mouth Marketing
Have you come across any more through work experience or in your studies that you think everyone should know?